These things are a farce. Celtic and Sevco never get the cards they deserve while every other clubs gets cards for very little.
The most ludicrous thing about it is this season saw some of the most insipid, timid and frankly lazy performances I've seen in the 30 years since auld Faither first took me along. I WISH we were a vile team of cloggers, at least it'd mean they had some sort of application.
IJ wrote:
The most ludicrous thing about it is this season saw some of the most insipid, timid and frankly lazy performances I've seen in the 30 years since auld Faither first took me along. I WISH we were a vile team of cloggers, at least it'd mean they had some sort of application.
Exactly this.
Give me a Kenny Black, Pasquale Bruno or Tommi Gronlund any day of the week.
It's like Djoum got about 20 yellow cards this season, and it suggests he's a hammer thrower. He's not, he's just really, really, REALLY bad at tackling.