5 defenders and 2 defensive mids? Assume it's 3 at three back, 2 wing backs, and Bozanic promoted to the halfway line.
Any idea why Meshino isn't starting at the mo?
What a pile of utter dug shite.
What a joke this team is!
Holy fucking shit. The absolute demolition job Levein and his merry band did on this club is going to take years to rebuild.
IJ wrote:
Holy fucking shit. The absolute demolition job Levein and his merry band did on this club is going to take years to rebuild.
Don’t leave Budge out of that. She’s the one who happily over saw the whole sorry mess and refused to take action.
She’s just as liable as Levein and co. More so if anything.
TBF to Budge I think she was conned buy Levein big style. Every meeting went something like, we got it wrong but we are working on putting it right, once we get players back it will be fine ( honest ). She probably went along with it as she has no idea what the playing side was all about.