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11/05/2019 4:43 pm  #11

Re: Politics thread

Oops, would help if I posted the link !


11/05/2019 4:49 pm  #12

Re: Politics thread

Let's be positive.  I've just posted a link to a wank.  Here's a good guy link.


11/06/2019 7:47 am  #13

Re: Politics thread

HC wrote:

Oops, would help if I posted the link !

​The best thing was that it went over a page, so I was reading it wondering what it was that got you so worked up!

The Catalan treatment is an absolute disgrace.  Is there not an EU ideal about people being allowed to be independent?

Last edited by Forrest (11/06/2019 7:48 am)


11/07/2019 11:24 am  #14

Re: Politics thread

Forrest I would be happy if those who negotiated ANY deal did so from what the people voted for. The people voted leave, in part due to the scandalous amounts of money we waste sending it to a bunch of unelected asreholes.
For those who have not seem them try watching these right through. I know one is rather long but it will open your eyes to what is going on within the EU:

Those in power in the EU want a Europe wide police force and army, controlled by the same unelected jumped up twats.

Head of conspiracy theories

11/07/2019 12:36 pm  #15

Re: Politics thread

Unelected in EU - yes admittedly.
Unelected in UK - the civil servants who frame the laws are unelected, as they are in the EU.  The HoL which agrees them is uneleceted.  The head of state under whom it all operates is unelected.  The judges which can set aside passed regulations if they breach other laws, just the same as the EU.  Admittedly we have elected (though not by PR so they don't represent the true 'will of the people') MPs to debate the laws whereas the EU has elected MEPs (elected by us) to debate them, if the people of the UK ever bother to rather than just moan about something which is in their power after all.  The MEPs, that's our MEPs, are elected under PR so the make up of representatives reflects the make up of the votes.  Unlike in WM where that's not the case.  It's hard to see a horrible EU body which is less elected than what we have here, and hard to see why the misinformation takes hold here that we're more democratic.  The facts don't appear to support it.
And on most things every country gets a veto. That's not the case in the UK.
Where we have been refused a veto is on the impending and imminent EU tax changes, designed to make sure that organisations can't evade tax, aimed at eg Google/Amazon etc.  But it will also make other organisations pay their taxes, such as businesses owned or which employ senior members of the Leave groupings, including cabinet members, and businesses which are major donors to....let me guess....the tory party and to the leave campaign.
As one of the few growth areas under WM in current times is food banks and emergency shelters, leaving the EU will ironically allow those who push so hard on that concept to continue to sidestep paying the taxes which would have made those things so much less necessary.  But we, and our families, will be the ones who pick up the slack and pay more instead and dip into our own pockets at other times to meet those embarrassing (humiliating for a modern society) needs.  And as a result will be supporting those slippery scamps who count their income by the million and yet want to ensure they and their interests are not caught up in the coming tax avoidance clamp down.

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11/07/2019 3:55 pm  #16

Re: Politics thread

Great post, Anders.


11/08/2019 7:14 am  #17

Re: Politics thread

Anders, Admittedly the system here has it's flaws but the people get to vote every four years as to the government they want. The prospective governments set out what laws they want and the people get to choose which party they think will do the best for them.
However we have an EU parliament that can't change laws ,repeal laws or do anything worth while all the time taking huge wages, low taxes and huge side benefits.
Seriously watch the first film ( right through ) and it will open your eyes to the vast amounts of cash getting wasted.
The second film is all about the huge waste of money that is moving the EU parliament from one country to another for no reason other than it keeps the money rolling in to both regions.

Head of conspiracy theories

11/08/2019 10:17 am  #18

Re: Politics thread

Being in the EU doesn't remove the wm govt nor remove it's ability to create/change uk laws. Nor does the EU have a monopoly on greed or money-gabbing corruption, it exists big-time here whether we're in the EU or not.

Personally I look at wm, at labour and tories, I look at our society and it's inequality, it's privilege and it's increasing nastiness, it's favouring of big business (for which read "party donors") over consumer (you & me), and it's direction of travel and I think about who I want to be in charge and I decide I'd rather have someone reining wm in, rather have the more successful economies telling wm politicians that no they can't use their position to tax-dodge and harm the life opportunities of me and my family and other potentially valuable people.

Wm is detestable in its corruption and it's maintenance of visibly failed ways and I can't understand people wanting to give it more scope to do even more of what it wants, unhindered.

Last edited by anders (11/08/2019 10:21 am)

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11/08/2019 11:08 am  #19

Re: Politics thread

Sorry Anders but you are a dreamer if you think anything will change soon. As for the EU we are one of only three countries putting in more than we take out. If you think WM is corrupt then you should be campaigning to leave the EU as they are far far worse.
I never said our form of government is any good but the EU are ripping the piss. Did you watch the vid? 10,000 people were earning more than D Cameron at time of filming. They have preferential tax system and huge shopping malls for their use only, selling high priced goods at discounts WE are paying for, As a consumer you should be up in arms over them being subsidized by you and your family.
It also explains about the veto you mentioned earlier and the UK have not once won a veto ( I can't remember off the top of my head as to how many times they tried ) .
Campaign to change the UK government system by all means but staying in the EU will remove more of your rights, that is why we need out. That and if democracy means anything then the will of the people should be done.

Head of conspiracy theories

11/08/2019 12:00 pm  #20

Re: Politics thread

Campaigning to change the UK government - without an overarching body it can't be done, the duopoly have vested interests in maintaining it which will make change impossible.  Leave the EU and the WM power becomes reinforced.
As for being a dreamer, I don't recall saying that anything would change.  As for how much each country puts in & gets out there aren't 3 countries which are net contributors, there are 9, (all the more advanced economies), and that's kind of how society works - nations invest in developing markets for the future whether that's within a country or within any other organisation. Each poorer country which has joined (mirrored by the USA as states joined their Union longer ago) has been a net recipient initially, that tailing off as their market develops. Their markets develop to our advantage.  The cost to us is 1% of GDP.  WM takes 49%.  The cost per person for the EU is between £63 and £117 per year depending on how you count it, ie about the same as Netflix.  Those figures are net, including the UK's payments to the EU, the official rebate and payments back only to the UK government. They don't include the payments made from the EU back directly to UK businesses, grants to UK Universities and research sites which will reduce them.

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