I thought it would be a good idea to deviate slightly from our normal Jnet Predictor this season, just to keep it a bit exciting! 😅
Each week, there will be two predictions for you to make.🤗
Every week, you'll be asked to predict the final score for Hearts v whoever.
You will also be asked to predict the final score for whichever other game I choose. Most games will be from the top flight in Scotland, but some may not be.
Every week there will be twenty points up for grabs - ten for each of the predictions.
I'll update the league on this thread.😉
Last edited by IJ (3/03/2020 11:47 am)
As long as the other games are from the Scottish premiership. Don't follow other leagues/countries.
HC 0
Ian 0
IJ 0
JIm 0
The table at the end of week 1. 😁
Yas, was on holiday, so never got to predict (far cry from when I managed to log on from my honeymoon to post a prediction 10 years ago!).
Should some folk not have points for predicting that the Rangers would beat Killie?
Read the rules, Forrest! 😜
So it's literally just the getting the score right that we're getting points for? Okey dokey.
HC wrote:
HC 0
Ian 0
IJ 0
JIm 0
The table at the end of week 1. 😁
What happened to my bonus 2 points for PM’ing Andres? 😁
HC 0
Ian 0
IJ 0
JIm 0
Updated after week 2.
Bit of a pattern here. 😅
HC wrote:
HC 0
Ian 0
IJ 0
JIm 0
Updated after week 2.
Bit of a pattern here. 😅
Stop avoiding the subject!
Where’s my bonus points? 😁😆
If Anders reappears, you'll get the points.