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4/15/2021 8:03 am  #1

2021 Scottish Parliament Elections

SNP's manifesto released today, and the one thing that leaps out at me is the minimum income guarantee.  Is this the first time a major party in Scotland or the UK has formally broached the subject in a manifesto?  The document itself says that UBI can't be done until we're independent.

Indyref2 proposed within the next 2.5 years, although I don't know how they'll manage that with BoJo opposed.


4/15/2021 12:30 pm  #2

Re: 2021 Scottish Parliament Elections

Even if Boris refuses that allows the pro-referendum side to whip up increased fervor around the way Scotland's views are treated, creating stronger support to escape what would effectively be colonialism, and would almost certainly be described as such. I realise you knew that and your question was about delivering the referendum - I'd expect an indicative referendum to be tabled without WMs agreement to draw WM out into a position where they'd presumably either have to refuse and actively work against it (which further feeds the flames and pushes things nearer to a critical mass in favour of withdrawal from the UK) or to agree in order to avoid that increased antipathy towards the union.


4/15/2021 1:23 pm  #3

Re: 2021 Scottish Parliament Elections

Rumour has it that BJ has realised that he can't refuse an independence referendum should the SNP be re-elected.

While it's unlikely that the SNP will get a majority due to the voting system, which almost discourages a majority, the Greens will mean a majority for independence.

To deny a referendum in such a situation would be undemocratic.

What we have to worry about (those of us who support an independent nation), is that the 90 minute nationalists do the right thing and stop to think what their unionist votes mean to the future of our country.

This is probably one of the most important elections ever.


5/07/2021 10:52 am  #4

Re: 2021 Scottish Parliament Elections

SNP takes my home region from Labour - East Lothian.   

Great result there.

Also, Alasdair Allan retains the Western Isles. 


5/08/2021 1:10 am  #5

Re: 2021 Scottish Parliament Elections

Labour held for my Edinburgh home and the cons for the co. council at my English one 🙄.

I'm so surprised that people's values let the tories get such a large number of votes.


5/10/2021 11:45 am  #6

Re: 2021 Scottish Parliament Elections

anders wrote:

Labour held for my Edinburgh home and the cons for the co. council at my English one 🙄.

I'm so surprised that people's values let the tories get such a large number of votes.

Do you mean in Scorland?

Massive pro-unionist tactical voting.


5/11/2021 5:52 am  #7

Re: 2021 Scottish Parliament Elections

Everywhere really HC. It looks to me like the embarrassment factor which made elections hard to call, when people were ashamed to admit they were going to or had just voted Tory has evaporated and more people go openly with selfish voting, where they know the poorest/weakest have suffered yet are openly voting for more of the same.


5/11/2021 7:34 am  #8

Re: 2021 Scottish Parliament Elections

I think I'm right in saying that the South Scotland region (which includes East Lothian!) was the only region in Scotland not to return a Green MSP.

The Lib Dems are pretty much finished as a party - the only comeback I can potentially see for them is if they live up to the "democrat" part of their name and change their stance on independence, potentially splitting the nationalist vote.

Disappointing show from Alba, but 6 weeks probably wasn't enough time to establish a proper presence.  Is AS the man to take it forward?  He certainly divides opinion. 

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