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3/17/2021 8:55 am  #1

Self Imposed Exile

When are you due to end it, Jim, or is it permanent? 


3/17/2021 8:58 am  #2

Re: Self Imposed Exile

He can still be found being grumpy on Kickback!


3/19/2021 10:05 am  #3

Re: Self Imposed Exile

Hi Hc, I have a lot of friends and have a lot of respect for many on here, However I do not suffer fools gladly. Sticking their head in the sand and only looking at one point of view, without considering others have valid points that are worth looking into and blindly following the lies spouted on MSM. This " pandemic " is a con and it's been proved over and over. I won't bother going into the FACTS as it won't change the thicko's who blindly follow " rules " that are obviously made up and have no basis in science. Continue to damage your own heath with face nappies while the rest of us get on with living.
As a side note We have been out and about ( all over the borders ) and not had a single problem.
In short I will continue to look in now and again but won't be posting much as no matter what is said they ignore it anyway so what is the point.

Hope you keep well and looking out for a good summer where we will be fishing shooting and having fun

Head of conspiracy theories

3/20/2021 3:28 pm  #4

Re: Self Imposed Exile

Life is way too short to hold grudges and be angry, Jim, especially over a difference of opinion.

     Thread Starter

3/20/2021 3:30 pm  #5

Re: Self Imposed Exile

PS, have you had your vaccine yet? 

     Thread Starter

3/20/2021 6:37 pm  #6

Re: Self Imposed Exile

The first time I read Jim's post I was ready to tell him to not fucking bother to post again. I love him though.

Jim, we're not thick. Neither are you. Just take everything less serious, eh. That's all. 

Gies a kiss. 

"The open society is one in which men have learned to be to some extent critical of taboos, and to base decisions on the authority of Neil MacFarlane"

3/22/2021 9:43 am  #7

Re: Self Imposed Exile

IJ you were not included in that comment, neither was HC. Some want you to believe they are right while refusing to even consider they may just be wrong. Life is serious and people need to realise our way of life is being destroyed by woke, stupid sheep following rules that should never have been considered.
I am old and have enjoyed a life where I can travel the west coast, hunt and fish, party and be alone all when I want. Some will never know these joys if they continue to act like good little boys and do what they are told, even when it bonkers. My mother is 98 years old in a care home and thanks to those stupid bastards I can't get in to see her never mind give her a hug. At her time of life these things are more important than worrying about catching flu.  ps she has had " covid" with no ill effects so why are the young and fit crapping their pants over this? 
They said vaccine passports were conspiracy theories, how did that turn out?
Grow up and grow a pair.

Head of conspiracy theories

3/22/2021 2:20 pm  #8

Re: Self Imposed Exile

Jim, I think the feeling here is just let bygones be bygones and move on.

We all have our views, you have yours and it's likely those won't change for any of us.

While other things are discussed on here, this is a fitba forum, so why not bow out of the Covid discussions and contribute to other threads?

As I've said previously, life is too short.

I don't want you to stop contributing, but I really think that for your sake and out of respect for ALL of us on here - afterall we are a small group - you need to leave things be.

     Thread Starter

3/23/2021 4:59 am  #9

Re: Self Imposed Exile

It'll be me it's aimed at, so why don't I not post on anything covid-related either? Neither of us do it Jim, how's that?


3/23/2021 5:02 am  #10

Re: Self Imposed Exile

Sorry HC as I said I do not suffer fools gladly and note the absence of any comment from others in the forum. I take that as an indication they are not willing to move on. This " pandemic " is fake and it's been proven many times. The number of Tory MP that are now calling for change shows this to be true. However this is not about a fake pandemic it's about civil liberties, it's about ordinary people being fooled into being too scared to go outside. It's about being able to make up our own minds and asses risks. We are adults who have a wealth of experience and have lived through worse yet if we don't obey we will be sent to bed with no supper. It's about Government moving the goal posts for some secret agenda that probably won't affect me due to age but unless we all stand up to tyranny we the population are fucked.

Head of conspiracy theories

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