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12/16/2020 5:38 am  #31

Re: WOW!

anders wrote:

Jambojim52 wrote:

anders wrote:

You put a big store in Sky news AU, you've mentioned it a few times. Thanks for your advice. In return maybe consider who owns the media outlets you use, what their political affiliations are, their political donations being interesting frinstance Jim, and therefore what slant they might be trying to put into readers' thinking.

I challenge all of you to watch ALL these and say you have no doubts the government/ MSM in this country is telling the truth and that the vaccine is safe and good.


I simply and politely asked what makes you believe videos by one person and not videos by another. You've responded with a lot more videos which is fair enough - but we'll go way off-track if we start discussing the videos rather than why you believe these rather than others. (you'd defend them, whereas I'd say Bitchute is a recognised far right-wing affiliated platform and brandnewtube is the David Icke platform and suporters of the english nationalists. As a result we'd get nowhere). So out of simple curiosity why do you believe these people and not other people who are equally in the know yet say a different thing?

Let me answer that with a question, who do you believe? The Msm, lies all the time. for example, they quote death rates as any who have died after 28 days of a poss. test.

First off the test has proved to be totally ineffective and shows " false positives " . Then people can have Covid and be ok within the 10 days, they say you must quarantine ( if not then why the 10 day quarantine in the first place? ). so after testing and recovering you die of a stroke/heart attack/cancer/syphilis it's Covid. People die every day it's a fact of life.
99.9% cases recover with no ill effects, so why the lock downs? Did we have lock downs when 60,000 died of flu every year?
Why is there no flu death figures this year?
Edinburgh Uni is working on the theory that certain DNA causes some to be badly effected while others are fine after a bad dose of the sniffles. Has the Msm reported this?
They built extra hospitals because millions would be ill, have they ever used one for Covid patients? The answer is NO!
The Msm insist on interviewing Bill Gates, when did he become a medical scientists?

I could go on and on but it's clear to me we are being fed a pack of lies from Governments and media, so why do you put so much faith in what they are reporting yet rubbish other sources?

Just because some people have a different view ( many are just as prominent scientists as the ones they are using ) doesn't make it a conspiracy.
Why have they tried so hard to rubbish what others are saying without an in depth analysis?

Everything you have said about the sources I have so far quoted , I could say the same about the Msm. 
Can I ask have you watched ANY of those video's or did you just dismiss them due to the source?

Head of conspiracy theories

12/16/2020 6:35 am  #32

Re: WOW!

Did you cut & paste a big chunk of that?
Ok, I'll say why I have the views I do. I believe what I believe because I don't take your sources or the other side's sources info, I look at the data offered by both, remove the opinion and correlate that facts into into a view. Not trying to sound grand, it's just what I did as work for decades. I also take facts from relatives who are senior medics and and from a specific friend who is a fair bit nearer the pointy end of the medical structures than most people one meets.

Did I read all of your sources, no as I tend not to spend time on far right platforms. The facts those opinions are based on are available elsewhere so I haven't missed them.


12/16/2020 9:30 am  #33

Re: WOW!

I will leave it there as I don't want a fall out but if you have not looked at all the facts ( the links are not all opinions or conspiracies ) then you can't make an informed opinion.

I will leave you with this from the Scotsman paper:

I can be fairly sure these figures were used in a daily briefing, before the mistake was noticed, therefore the figures they gave out over the last few days are FAKE. 

Oh and one last thing, they say x number have tested poss etc etc.. therefore those positive cases have immunity and don't need the wonder vaccine, a vaccine that was approved by a government agency that was gifted money from the Gates foundation, the same foundation that has a huge share holding in Pfizer.
would you take a vaccine that was approved after a bribe?

Head of conspiracy theories

12/16/2020 10:10 am  #34

Re: WOW!

Many things come about as a result of bribes, jobs-for-the-boys, backhanders, winks in the right direction. If you felt that that made them intrinsically unusable then you wouldn't eat, have power to your home, or any medical services at all. Therefore I'd rather judge the product as a product in cases like medicine, than on how it came about.

Figures used on all sides by nature have inaccuracies. It happens as a fact of life since figures reflect what is known at the point the figures are amassed, but by the time they can be published more is already known. Hence figures normally reflect how things were. (Using them later doesn't make someone necessarily a fake nor corrupt).

Mistakes get made, stats are pulled together poorly and errors happen in translation. Another fact of life to my mind. I'd hesitate to accuse someone of deliberate fraud because they were given something with an error in.

In my view conspiracy theories are inclined to find deliberate melfeasance where it doesn't exist in order to reinforce a preferred view. I accept we can all be open to it - eg on my part I won't give the alt-right and english supremacists the added click count claim of going on their platforms, other than the minimum I did to look into most, not all, of the links you sent.

We see things differently. I agree, leave it right there.


12/16/2020 8:30 pm  #35

Re: WOW!

This is glorious. What magnificent nonsense. I can’t wait for the Illuminati to control my life, steal my house and make me a drone incapable of free will.....
Conspiracy theorists do not have to prove anything btw, just cast doubt with opinions which then become ‘fact’ and are hovered up by the hard of thinking.

Jim, you’re a nice guy but fuck me, this is pure and unadulterated pish.


12/24/2020 7:27 am  #36

Re: WOW!

Sorry you have to rewind to the start, it's the only way I could get this to copy and paste.

If you don't watch it or stay to the end then there is little hope for you.
This is not conspiracy theories, the world economic forum has this as an agenda for 2030. This is only 10 years away and while being old means I won't have to worry about it, you will still be young enough to be caught up in it. 

Last edited by Jambojim52 (12/24/2020 7:28 am)

Head of conspiracy theories

12/24/2020 9:31 am  #37

Re: WOW!

Oh Jim I thought we were leaving it? I really don't think more videos of what someone else thinks - someone else's interpretation of things - is going to help. Let it go Jim, eh?


12/24/2020 10:23 am  #38

Re: WOW!

anders wrote:

Oh Jim I thought we were leaving it? I really don't think more videos of what someone else thinks - someone else's interpretation of things - is going to help. Let it go Jim, eh?

FFS did you even watch it?

Head of conspiracy theories

12/24/2020 11:27 am  #39

Re: WOW!

Jambojim52 wrote:

anders wrote:

Oh Jim I thought we were leaving it? I really don't think more videos of what someone else thinks - someone else's interpretation of things - is going to help. Let it go Jim, eh?

FFS did you even watch it?

Haven't we been round this already?
Jim who is he? What do you know about him?
Why believe complete strangers, and ignore the views of people eg on here who you've known for years and who you know to be reasonably intelligent people.


12/24/2020 12:56 pm  #40

Re: WOW!

I'm a complete fucking idiot tbf 

Last edited by IJ (12/24/2020 12:56 pm)

"The open society is one in which men have learned to be to some extent critical of taboos, and to base decisions on the authority of Neil MacFarlane"

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