anders wrote:
Heard today that the spfl is encouraging other clubs to help DungdeeU etc financially. Ie taking a partisan stance encouraging aid for one side against the other amongst it's member clubs.
This is against the rules where no club should do harm to another. I am sure our QC will have noted this and will play a big part in the arbitration process.
Do we have a QC in the arbitration process? Thought the whole idea was that it consisted of 3 people, all picked from a list. Haven't found out yet how people get onto the list - whether it's a pre-existing list of sfa people - so I don't think we can nominate anyone we want such as our own QC.
anders wrote:
Do we have a QC in the arbitration process? Thought the whole idea was that it consisted of 3 people, all picked from a list. Haven't found out yet how people get onto the list - whether it's a pre-existing list of sfa people - so I don't think we can nominate anyone we want such as our own QC.
The three are the panel and are independent, our QC will be giving evidence on our behalf and re examining possible witnesses.
Our QC will be there to put forward our argument and his slant on the evidence provided.
Last edited by Jambojim52 (7/14/2020 2:36 am)
Change the post title to screwed over by the arbitration panel
Still ****ing seething.
Jambojim52 wrote:
Change the post title to screwed over by the arbitration panel
Changed it a wee bit
The corruption couldn’t be more blatant. Seriously wondering if I can even be bothered with Scottish football anymore!
I'm thinking the same thing Ian. Pretty low interst in putting another penny into any football thing that would benefit the spfl sfa or anything other than Hearts themselves really.
IJ wrote:
Jambojim52 wrote:
Change the post title to screwed over by the arbitration panel
Changed it a wee bit
TBF it's better than my idea.
Jambojim52 wrote:
TBF it's better than my idea.
I do my best